موقع يهتم بالأخبار الاقتصادية المصرية يصدر من لندن
الأربعاء, 12 فبراير 2025 | 6:59 صباحًا
آخر الأخبار
زيادة المصروفات وتكدس الفصول يثيران غضب أولياء الأمور في مدرسة "Roots School" وزير المالية يطرح الأولويات المصرية لمعالجة تحديات الديون وتمويل التنمية بأفريقيا فى نيويورك رئيس الوزراء يتابع الموقف التنفيذي لأعمال تطوير التجمع العمراني الجديد بجزيرة الوراق وزيرة التخطيط: توسيع نطاق برنامج أورنج كورنرز ليشمل 7 محافظات بصعيد مصر والدلتا وزير قطاع الأعمال العام يستقبل سفيرة النرويج بالقاهرة لبحث تعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والاستثماري بدء التشغيل الفعلي لمشروع ازدواج قناة السويس في نطاق مشروع القطاع الجنوبي أمام حركة التجارة العالمية... وزيرة التنمية : اللجنة العليا للقيادات تجري المقابلات الشخصية لـ244 من المتقدمين لمسابقة الوظائف الق... «عمنا».. وزارة الثقافة تحتفى بصلاح جاهين.. التفاصيل وزير الإسكان يلتقي المسئولين والعاملين بمشروع سد ومحطة كهرباء "جوليوس نيريرى" وزير الإسكان يصل تنزانيا لتفقد الأعمال فى سد "جوليوس نيريرى"

Mostakbal Misr EXPO to kick off on 13 November with EGP 2bn expected sales

Real Estate Marketing company The Gate Investments announced the launch of Mostakbal Misr EXPO on 13 November, with participation of more than 40 real estate developers and targeted sales estimated at EGP 2bn.

Ahmed Hamdy, CCO of The Gate Investments, the organizer of Mostakbal Misr EXPO, said that the expo will be held for one day only at Triumph Hotel in New Cairo from 11 am to 11 pm.

Hamdy added that the expo includes various projects focused mainly in the New Administrative Capital, which acquires 80% of the expo projects, in addition to projects in cities of North Coast, Ain Sokhna, Fifth Settlement and 6th of October.

For his part, Chairman of The Gate Investments Andrew El-Luzy stated that Mostakbal Misr EXPO will be the last real estate exhibitions that will be organized in 2021, and the companies will conclude their major sales for this year at prices that will not be repeated again until the end of the year.

El-Luzy added, “It is expected that prices will hike at the beginning of next year, making the exhibition a great opportunity for customers before price spikes.”
He elaborated that exhibiting companies will offer their customers a certificate of guarantee by offering exclusive discounts that will not be repeated, which gives the exhibition’s customers an advantage that is not available outside the expo.
The Mostakbal Misr EXPO is also witnessing the visit of a number of major investors, and it is expected that the number of visitors will reach 20,000, according to El-Luzy.
Mohamed Ayman, CEO of The Gate Investments company, said that one of the international insurance companies will participate in the expo. The latter will offer an insurance policy to customers who purchase units inside the expo, which is one of the advantages offered by the exhibition to visitors.
Ayman added that this expo would be the beginning of a series of other exhibitions held by The Gate Investments in property market in the coming period.

It is planned to launch the company’s second exhibition in the middle of next year, which will not be for one day only and will be a large property exhibition under the auspices of the state, he noted, pointed out that the exhibition would include a bigger number of various real estate projects.

Similarly, Ibrahim El Gamal, COO at The Gate, said that the exhibition is witnessing a distinctive and comprehensive marketing campaign to inform customers in different parts of the country of the launch date, participating companies and projects being exhibited, and importance of the exhibition as an opportunity for customers looking for distinctive projects and offers.

There will also be buses transporting customers from governorates to the exhibition venue and to tour the New Administrative Capital, El Gamal noted.

He disclosed, “The company has experience in field of real estate marketing for 10 years, during which it was able to market many projects in record time, including projects that the company marketed exclusively.

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